
Karaoke Night

6:30pm to 8:30pm
6:30pm to 8:30pm
SSSC (3431 Herzberg)

Warm up those singing voices and pick out your favorite songs for an amazing night of tunes and making new friends! Join us from 6:30pm to 8:30pm in the SSSC (3431 Herzberg) for some Karaoke, snacks and some great times!

P.S: Singing skills are not required and all are encouraged to sing along!

To register, please log onto Carleton Central and click on Science Student Success Centre under the mySuccess tab. 

A poster with text. The text reads "Science Kindness Week. November 14th to 18th. Karaoke Night. Monday, November 14th @ 6:30 PM EST at the SSSC (3431 Herzberg). Warm up your voices and join the SSSC in bringing music to life! P.S. Singing skills are not required and all are encouraged to sing along! Carleton University Science Student Success Centre.

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