Succeeding in Science

There are many resources available on campus to help you improve your academic performance. The SSSC can help you to plan for each semester, how to maximize your studying and learn to prepare for your midterms and exams.

We will also help you connect with other departments on campus who can help you succeed. We provide services to new and returning students, including one on one mentoring sessions, Science-specific workshops, fun activities, and events! The Centre offers a large group study area well-equipped with a white board wall, projector and desks for presentations, seminars and workshops. In addition to helping students with their academic development, the SSSC aims to inform students of academic opportunities such as research scholarships, medical school admissions, and opportunities to further enhance your studies at Carleton. 

    SSSC Grade and Mark Calculator

    As a university student, one of the most useful skills you can learn is how to track your marks for each class and how to calculate your grade point average. You can use the SSSC Grade and Mark Calculator to do all of the tracking for you! You can also add hypothetical marks and grades to the spreadsheet to estimate where your grades might be in the future.

    SSSC Grade and Mark Calculator

    Please download the spreadsheet and save it to your own computer. Then you can constantly update your marks and track your progress in each course.

    If you are looking to convert your CGPA to a 4 point GPA click here

    CSAS Learning Support, Online Workshops, and Drop-In Sessions

    The Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS) offers a variety of online workshops, drop-in opportunities and one-on-one sessions designed to help students develop their academic skills. There are no deadlines or commitment required, and the workshops are delivered through videos on Brightspace, so you can work through them at your own pace or just check out the ones that interest you. Various topics are covered, such as study skills, note-taking, time management, essay writing and more!

    This is further supported by their new program, How to...from 10 to 2. These drop-in sessions focus on helping students overcome their learning- and writing-related challenges.

    If you’re looking for more course-specific support, CSAS also offers online office hours with PASS facilitators through the same platform, where you can use either video, audio or chat messages to ask questions and work through problems.

    To register, go to CSAS Online Support and click on “Enter our online learning community”. Then log into Brightspace and follow the directions. Once enrolled, the CSAS course will appear with all your other courses in Brightspace and in the Student Support category of Brightspace courses.

    Managing Your Time

    Managing your time well is the key to success in university. You need to be consistent in the way you address scheduling time for studying, work, rest and play. Creating a weekly schedule is one of the best ways to figure out how to manage your time. If you want help putting together a schedule, stop by the SSSC and one of our mentors would be happy to help you out!

    How to Build Your Weekly Schedule

    1. Start with a blank piece of paper or document. Make a list of all of the things you need to put on your schedule. Make sure to include class time, lab hours, tutorials and discussion groups, PASS sessions, work, office hours, extracurricular activities, volunteering, sleep, getting ready in the morning, time to eat, travel time to and from work and school, study time, exercise and free time. Don't leave anything out that you do on a regular basis.
    2. Now that you have a complete list, separate the items on the list into categories. You will most likely have mandatory items (classes, tutorials, work), essential items (sleep, eating, travel time), optional items (volunteering, exercise, extracurricular activities), and flexible items (study time, breaks). Items can fall into different categories depending on the person, so do whatever feels right to you.
    3. Once you have your categories, you can start building your schedule. Open a blank spreadsheet (Excel). You can write out a weekly schedule by hand, but it is more difficult to make changes as you go along. To get started, you can use the SSSC weekly schedule template in PDF or EXCEL formats.
    4. Start by adding in the mandatory items (things that cannot be changed) to your schedule. Then move on to the essential items.
    5. You will most likely have large gaps throughout your schedule at this point such as night time or throughout the day. Fill in the rest of these with optional items and flexible items.
    6. After all of this is in, make sure to set aside a couple of hours a week of time for yourself. This is for going out or getting that extra sleep that everyone dreams of.

    Schedule Building Tips

    • Always leave enough time for travel to and from work, home and school.
    • Although it may be hard at first, staying on track with your schedule will help you achieve better grades. And after a while it will become second nature.
    • If something isn't working, you can always adjust your schedule. Your schedule is typed in a computer, not carved in stone.
    • Always leave time to eat healthy meals that will energize you throughout the day. It is also possible to have some snacks in class (but not in labs, so make sure to eat before 3-5 hour long labs).
    • Colour coding your schedule helps you distinguish things when you are exhausted.

     Sample Schedule

    Sample student schedule

    Mental Health Resources

    Taking care of your mental health is a very important part of succeeding in your undergrad studies. Luckily, there are many resources both on- and off-campus that you can take advantage of.


    Health and Counselling Services: 613-520-6674

    • Call to make an appointment with a counsellor. This service is included in your student fees!
    • Located in 2500 CTTC

    Residence Counselling and Wellness: 613-520-2600 ext. 8061

    • A satellite office of Health and Counselling Services, open exclusively to Carleton students living in residence (September to April)
    • Call to make an appointment or visit them during walk-in appointment hours (Monday to Friday between 1:00-4:00PM)
    • Located in 131 Renfrew Building (on the main floor, close to the rear entrance)

    From Intention to Action (FITA): 613-520-2600 ext. 1028

    • This program supports undergraduate and graduate students to better manage stress and improve their academic performance, by navigating the personal stressors that can often get in the way of school
    • Opportunity to meet 1-on-1 with a Coordinator for 1 hour every week for 12 consecutive weeks
    • Email to make an appointment (fitaction [at]
    • Located in 407 MacOdrum Library

    Mental Health and Well-Being Carleton

    • Provides a Wellness Service Navigator designed to assist students in discovering the valuable tools and resources to understand, manage, and improve your mental health and well-being while at university
      • Email: wellness [at]

    Sexual Assault Support Services: 613-520-5622

    • A centre that listens, provides resources and works with you to choose the best option for you. You have access to this service, whether the sexual violence happened on- or off-campus
    • Services are free, confidential, and available to all students, staff and faculty at Carleton
    • Located in 3800 CTTC
    • Email equity [at]

    Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA) Service Centres

    Centre for Indigenous Support and Community Engagement: 613-520-6516

    • Welcomes and supports Indigenous peoples who work and study at Carleton University as students, faculty and professional services staff
    • Located in 228 Paterson Hall
    • Email indigenous [at]

    International Student Services Office: 613-520-6600

    • Provides support for international students by means of peer mentoring, immigration support, money management, social and cultural activities, UHIP, and counselling
    • Health and Counselling also offers same day appointments available on Mondays with International Student Counsellor, Berak Hussain. Call (613) 520-6674 to book an appointment
    • Located in 128 Nideyinàn 
    • Email isso [at] 

    Paul Menton Centre: 613-520-6608

    • Coordinates academic accommodations and support services for students with disabilities, including accommodations for learning disabilities and mental illnesses
    • Located in 501 Nideyinàn
    • Email pmc [at]



    Good2Talk: 1-866-925-5454

    • Free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling, information, and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365
    • English and French services

    Mental Health Crisis Line: Within Ottawa: 613-722-6914, Outside Ottawa: 1-866-996-0991

    • Trained professionals are available to answer your call 24/7 in times of need including difficulty dealing with stress, overwhelming feelings, symptoms of depression, anxiety or psychosis, suicidal thoughts, or any concerns regarding your mental health or that of your loved ones
    • English and French services

    Distress Centre Ottawa and Region: 613-238-3311

    • Free, confidential helpline providing emotional support and encouragement, crisis management & intervention, suicide risk assessment and prevention, and community resource/referral information
    • English services only

    Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre: 613-562-2333

    • Provides service 24 hours, 7 days a week to survivors of sexual violence, supporters, family and friends of survivors
    • English services only

    Centre d’Aide et de Lutte Contre les Agressions à Caractére Sexuel: 819-538-4554 ou 1-855-538-4554

    • Un organisme féministe, géré et opéré par et pour les femmes. Dans ses revendications pour la justice sociale, il dénonce les agressions à caractère sexuel et lutte pour l’égalité et les droits des femmes. Il offre une multitude de services aux femmes survivantes et il s’engage activement à la prévention et la sensibilisation dans la communauté
    • Service en français

    Tel-Aide Outaouais: 613-741-6433 ou 1-800-567-9699

    • Un service d’écoute téléphonique en français aux personnes qui ont besoin d’une oreille, qui nécessitent du soutien ou de références
    • Service en français

    Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688 or text 647-694-4275

    • A Queer, Trans, Two-Spirit youth-led organization that affirms and supports the experiences of youth (29 and under) across Ontario by:
      • Providing anonymous peer support and referrals;
      • Training youth to provide support to other youth; and
      • Providing resources so youth can make informed decisions
    • Available 4:00pm-9:30pm Sunday to Friday

    Youth Services Bureau – Crisis Hotline - 613-260-2360

    • Offers housing, employment, youth justice and youth health services, 24 hours a day 7 days a week
    • Service in English and French

    Native Youth Crisis Hotline: 1-877-209-1266

    • 24/7 crisis line Indigenous youth
    • Available for residents of Canada and the United States

    Naseeha Muslim Youth Helpline: 1-866-627-3342

    • Confidential youth helpline by trained counsellors for young Muslims to receive immediate, anonymous, and confidential support over the phone available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


    The Walk-In Counselling Clinic

    • Counselling services in English, French, Arabic, Spanish, Somali, Cantonese and Mandarin at a variety of different locations. Clinic hours are available at different locations throughout the week, including evenings and weekends
    • No referral and no appointment required. You will be assisted on a first-come, first-serve basis during clinic hours
    • Trained professional counsellors who can provide services to individuals, couples, and families on a very wide range of issues
    • This service is FREE
    • Locations all over Ottawa

    Youth Services Bureau - Mental Health Services – Youth Walk-In Clinic

    • Are you having problems with a relationship, or a recent break-up? Too much fighting at home? Struggling with questions of sexual or gender identity? The Youth Mental Health Walk-in Clinic offers single counselling sessions for youth whose needs are more immediate
    • Counselling for youth ages 12 to 20, and their parents
    • English and French
    • This service is FREE
    • Located at 300–1355 Bank St. on Tuesdays, and 2225 Mer Bleue Rd. on Thursdays
      • Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12 noon to 8 pm (last session is at 6 pm)
      • 613-260-2360 (Crisis Line)
      • 613-562-3004 (General) 

    Family Services Ottawa

    • Offers a wide range of counselling services and programs for teens, adults, couples, and families who are struggling with their mental health, including LGBTTQ+ support, mental health programs, and one-on-one walk-in and by appointment counselling
    • Located at 312 Parkdale Avenue
      • 613-725-3601

    Mental Health & Addiction Services of Ottawa

    • Offers a range of counselling by appointment and group sessions for mental health and addiction issues
    • Drop-in for group sessions open to the public or call to make an appointment
    • Some programs (SMART recovery meetings for addiction and addictive behaviours) are free of charge
    • Counselling services offering appointments with psychologists and therapists are on a charge per hour basis
    • Located at 1489 Merivale Rd Unit 200
      • 613-225-7272

    Therapists in Ottawa

    • A list of psychologists and therapists in Ottawa
    • Not free, can be costly (~$110-170/hour)

    Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre

    • Provides client-centered individual treatment, support and rehabilitation to residents of the Ottawa region with severe and persistent mental illness including counselling services, case-by-case support, and violence against women support
    • Located at 1365 Richmond Road, 2nd floor
      • 613-820-4922

    Ottawa Hospital Mental Health Social Work Services

    • Social workers offer counselling, support, and information on:
      • Parenting concerns
      • Relationships
      • Coping with Grief or Illness
      • Managing Anger or Stress
      • Practical problem-solving (e.g: housing, finances, elder care)
      • Anxiety disorders
      • Depression and self-esteem
    • To book an appointment, contact the Social Work & Discharge Planning Front Desk:
      • General Campus: 613-737-8600
      • Civic Campus: 613-798-5555 ext. 16002

    PASS for Science Students

    PASS provides great supplemental sessions to help you learn the material from your tougher classes. Check out the link to see if your classes are supported and to find out what PASS is all about.

    References and Citations for Lab Reports

    One of the biggest challenge with lab reports is properly referencing your resources. You have to think about the quality of your reference, avoiding plagiarism, and how to format the reference itself.

    Types of Literature:

    Primary - original material
    Examples - journal articles, thesis, conference proceedings

    Secondary - interpretations and evaluations that are derived from or refer to primary sources
    Examples - review articles, books, databases

    Tertiary - distillation and collection of primary and secondary sources
    Examples - encyclopedias, newspapers, textbooks

    Pro Tips:

    Include at least three references
    Do Not Use: Wikipedia, online encyclopedias, non-credible websites

    Acknowledgments are made twice in a lab:

    1. In the body of your report
    2. At the end of your report in the bibliography

    Examples of Citations

    Here's an example of how to put a citation in the body of the text using the author and the year that the resource was published.

    In 1954, this organochloride pesticide was developed by Farbwerke Hoeschst in Germany and had the name Thiodan. Since then it has been used as a pesticide against pests and mites in both remote and densely populated areas such as Europe, India, China, China, Arctic, Canada, Brazil and the United States (Weber et. all 2010).

    Here is an example of using a numbered approach.

    As of 2010, 1 in 9 Canadian woman will develop breast cancer and 1 in 30 cases will result in death 2. After lung cancer, breast cancer is the most common death causing cancer in women2. Breast cancer is heterogeneous which makes it more fascinating to research but also harder to fight and treat 3.

    Bibliography/ Worked Cited/ References

    At the end of your report, you will provide a complete list of references from your entire report. The list is usually alphabetical by first authors last name and includes all types of references (websites, journal articles, books etc). Your lab coordinator or supervisor will tell you how they want the references page formatted and often will say to copy the format that a certain journal uses.


    How to reference for Journal Articles
    Figure 1: Colour coded diagram on how to format a reference for Journal Articles

    How to reference for books

    Figure 2: Colour coded diagram on how to format a reference for Books

    The bibliography page can have alternate names such as Works Cited or References. Therefore, make sure you are following the format set by your lab coordinator or supervisor.

    Works Cited example

    Figure 3. Example of Bibliography with alphabetical listing

    Example of bibliography with numbering format

    Figure 4. Example of Bibliography with a numbering format

    As you can see, each version has obvious and non-obvious differences. Be diligent and have someone look over your technique while you're learning.

    Where to Get Extra Help

    For extra help on how to reference, contact your TA, lab coordinator, or visit the library and contact the Research Help Desk.


    Studying for Exams

    Studying for exams is not difficult if you approach it correctly. Remember that you should start preparing for your exams on the first day of classes. Be strategic in your note taking, attend all of your classes, read ahead and make sure you know the areas in which you are having problems so that you can ask questions in class, during your professor's office hours or your TA's. Knowing what you don't know can save you a lot of time in the long run.

    Exam Preparation Tips

    Answering long answer questions requires a lot of preparation and a thorough understanding of the material. Make sure you identify what your professor is asking of you. Are you supposed to analyze? Compare? State your opinion? Explain? The first step is to really understand the questions before trying to answer; once that is achieved you can start to develop a plan which includes a thesis statement and supporting arguments. Don't hesitate to use sketches and diagrams to get your point across. Remember to be clear and concise.

    Multiple choice questions require recognition of the correct material and test your memory and reasoning. Reviewing the material multiple times prior to the exam is key. The material tested could be definitions, theorems and key words as well as problem solving. If the correct answer doesn't immediately jump out at youl, eliminate those that are unlikely and go from there. Also, sometimes other questions can help you to answer a multiple choice question.

    Scheduling Time During Exams

    Plan ahead! After your last midterm or about a month before exams you should be starting to review and scheduling in additional time for it. The more you review ahead of time, the less cramming is necessary right before your exam. If you need help making a study schedule, make an appointment with a mentor to discuss your options and have some help.

    Reviewing Through 'Cheat' Sheets

    Download the generic calculus review sheet that some of our math students have used in the past to help prepare for their first-year calculus course. You can create a sheet like this for any class that requires you to use a lot of formulas, so come into the Centre and we can tell you how best to use it. It only takes a minute or two to jot down the most important things that you need to know from each section of your text or from your lecture slides. Write each formula out every time you are required to use it so that you can clearly see your steps when you have to review.

    Basic Study Tips

    • Do not cram the day before an exam, but spread out your studying so that you give your brain time to fully absorb all of the information
    • Study in one hour intervals, and then take a 10-15 minute break to relax
    • Plan out a regular study area. This conditions your brain to being used to studying there, and you can get into “study mode” much faster
    • Study when you are wide awake. Everyone has their own personal clock, so choose the time of day that best suits you
    • Study in a quiet area with no distractions

    Study Strategies

    • Cue Cards
      • Cue cards are a great study strategy for visual learners because they summarize the study material in a way that makes it easier to remember.
      • They are especially useful for courses that require lots of reading and memorization of definitions.
      • To use cue cards effectively, read the front of the cue card and then say the answer or the definition out loud. Flip the card and check whether you got it right. If you did not, you probably require more studying!
      • Here’s an example of a cue card:
        Cue Card
      • Here are a few links to websites that offer free cue-card-making:
    • Concept Maps
      • Concept maps are charts that explain an idea in steps or demonstrate a process
      • They are  helpful for those who need visual aids to effectively study
      • Here’s an example of a concept map:
        concept map
      • Here are a few links to websites that offer free concept-map-making:
    • Self-tests
      • Making your own set of questions as you study is an effective strategy to ensure you are ready for a test.
      • Ask yourself: "what questions could the professor possibly ask about this?" Write all questions that come to your mind. Make sure you are using a variety of question styles (E.g. define, list, match…) By doing this, you can identify your points of weakness in order to work on them.
      • Here’s an example of how you can transform your notes into questions:

        Lecture Note:
        “Researchers often want to summarize a large number of data in order to make inferences from them. In order to do this, they use measures of central tendency. These are single values that aim to describe a set of data by identifying the midpoint of that set. Measures of central tendency include mean, median, and mode.”

        1. (a) Define “Measures of Central Tendency”
          (b) List the three types of measures of central tendency
      • You can make your own quizzes via Quizlet here
    • Summarized Material
      • Write down a summarized version of the study material
      • Be sure to pick out the main ideas in the lecture and include them in your summary
      • Here’s an example of how you can summarize a long paragraph in your textbook:
        “When scientists carry out their research, they are required to follow a rigorous process in order to ensure their results are significant. They do this by inspecting the reliability and validity of their studies. Reliability refers to obtaining consistent results under consistent conditions. Validity asks whether the study design is set to measure what it is meant to measure. There are three types of validity scientists consider. Content validity asks whether the study design covers the breadth of all the components of the study. Face validity asks whether the study design seems to make sense according to experts in the field. External validity asks whether the results of the study can be generalized to the bigger population.”

        • Scientists use reliability and validity to ensure their research is significant
        • Reliability: obtaining consistent results under consistent conditions
        • Validity: whether the study design is set to measure what it is meant to measure
          • 3 Types:

    - Content validity: whether the study design covers the breadth of all the components of the study

    - Face validity: whether the study design seems to make sense according to experts in the field

    - External validity: whether the results of the study can be generalized to the bigger population

    • Practice Questions
      • Do as many practice questions as you can to solidify your learning
      • Course textbooks usually contain practice questions at the end of each chapter. Check the Brightspace page for your course to see if your professor has posted any practice questions online
      • If your course has PASS, make sure you attempt the mock midterms made by the facilitator and do any worksheets found on the PASS website.
    • Form Study Groups
      • Great for people who learn best in a discussion-style setting
      • Book a group study room in the library to hold your meeting or find a quiet spot anywhere on campus.
      • Create or join a study group is through the Recognized Study Groups tool offered by the SSSC, you'll receive credit on your Co-Curricular Record (CCR)!
    • Prepping for Pre-lab quizzes
      • Usually on Brightspace or taken at the start of your lab
      • They ensure you have read and understood the experiment in your lab manual and are able to proceed with the steps correctly.
      • Read the experimental procedure in your lab manual thoroughly and highlight key points or take notes of them
    • Different Classes May Require Different Study Techniques
      • One skill students tend to acquire over time is adjusting their study techniques according to the type of class they are taking
      • For example, some courses, such as introductory psychology, require intensive reading and are theory-based. For these courses, a good study technique would be summarizing lecture slides, notes, and the textbook chapters related
      • For other courses, such as math, it may be useful to do practice questions

    Transitioning to University

    At Carleton University, we understand the challenges students face making the transition from high school to university. While you may already have a good mental picture of what university is like and how it may differ from your high school experience, the staff at the Science Student Success Centre will ensure the that you are not surprised along the way.

    To help put things into perspective, here are five major changes that students can expect when they move from high school to university.

    Greater Responsibility

    In high school, your schedule was probably planned completely for you. Breaks occurred at approximately the same time daily, you knew exactly when to go to class, when to eat lunch, or when to do your homework. In university you have full control of your own schedule. You will need to set your own priorities and manage all your own responsibilities. You can no longer count on your teacher to remind you of due dates for assignments, test dates for each chapter or to come to class on time.

    Different Class Structure

    Unlike high school where your class size is often only 30 students, first year university classrooms may hold over 100 students in some courses. Your professor will not approach you if you miss class or do poorly. It is now your responsibility to seek out help when needed. As well, your professor will not remind you of assignment due dates. Instead, they expect that you consult your syllabus and turn in assignments on the proper date.

    Faster Pace

    University classes tend to move a lot more quickly than high school classes. You will cover more material, in greater depth, over a shorter period of time. Be prepared for that challenge. Professors expect you to keep up with what was taught in class, and they also expect some of you to take good comprehensive notes. They may cover up to three chapters of textbook material in a week.

    Fewer Tests

    There are often fewer tests and assignments in university compared to high school. Although this may seem like a good thing for you, remember that more information will be covered on each test. In addition, the exams in many courses often build on each other so all of the material taught in a semester may be tested in the same exam.

    New Living Arrangements

    Travel time for those at home can sometimes take up a total of 3hrs of a school day, and should be used wisely to do readings or flash cards. Those who move out for post secondary education also experience changes such as making their own meals, more household responsibilities and increased freedom which can be a blessing or a curse depending on how self motivated the individual is. Having a good support system in place is key to your success so make friends with similar goals and seek out help when you its needed.

    Top Tips for Transitioning to University

    1. Don't be afraid to ask for help. Your professors may seem intimidating to approach after a lecture, but they are regular people who want you to succeed. Check the course outline on Brightspace to find out what their office hours are and ask questions. It also lets you get to know them better. TAs are also there to help and answer questions concerning lecture and lab materials.
    2. Get help early! The day before the midterm or exam or the night before a lab is due is often too late. Start studying for exams and working on assignments and labs early so that you can have time to make appointments and receive replies from professors and TA's who are also very busy. They are not going to come after you if you are struggling or behind - you need to take the initiative yourself.
    3. Make a schedule, early! And stick with it! Time management is one of the biggest struggles for incoming first year students. University can be a shock with the amount and intensity of school work that is expected from you. Check out Managing Your Time for step-by-step instructions on how to make and keep a schedule. SSSC mentors can also help you build your schedule around your classes and other commitments to help you maximize your study time.
    4. Do your pre-labs. Just do it. Read over the lab manual beforehand and make sure you have a solid grasp of the material before completing the entire pre-lab. It's worth marks! For physics this might include theory and for chemistry it might include writing out the MSDS. Just make sure you know what is expected of you and get it done beforehand.
    5. Lecture halls are big and can be loud and distracting. Do your best to get to class early, especially the first couple weeks to guarantee yourself a seat. Find what spot in the lecture hall works well for you. Do you need to be in the front to make yourself pay attention? Further back to see the screens?
    6. Spend time figuring out how YOU take notes and study best. In high school, you may have been able to get away with just a bit of studying the night before. But in university there is too much material to get by that way. Think about how you learn and tailor your studying to fit your learning style. For note taking, try using a notebook, laptop, printing the pdf's, or recording the lecture (with permission). For studying, try flashcards, re-writing notes, making quizzes and tests for yourself, or reading the textbook.
    7. Go to PASS. You'll get a second glance at the material from the week before, you'll have fun and you'll meet new people. The facilitator is someone who did well in the class, and they will also hold office hours. It doesn't get much better than that.

      Using a Course Outline and Calendar

      • Figure out a scheduling tool that works for you
        • Outlook tools – Outlook, Gmail, Remember the Milk, Todoist, Ta-Da Lists, Toodlefo
        • Free CUSA agenda
      • Add major events to your calendar
        • Transfer information from each course syllabus to your calendar
        • Use a fourth month calendar to see what’s coming up all semester
        • Ie. Midterms, exams, lab reports, assignments
        • Colour coordinate each course
      • Now break the large tasks into smaller tasks – add lead-up information to your calendar
        • How do I get there?
        • What time do I need to be there?
      • Review your calendar every evening!

      Below is a sample calendar for September. Please click here for the full document containing sample calendars for Fall semester.

      September calendar

      Additional Tips for Using a Course Outline and Calendar

      1. Figure out a scheduling tool that works for you
        • Outlook tools – Outlook, Gmail, Remember the Milk, Todoist, Ta-Da Lists, Toodlefo
        • Free CUSA agenda
      2. Add major events to your calendar
        • Transfer information from each course syllabus to your calendar – ie. Midterms, exams, lab reports, assignments
        • Do this as soon as you get your syllabus in each class to stay on top of things from the start
        • Use a fourth month calendar to see what’s coming up all semester
        • Colour coordinate each course
        • Remember to include other important events in your life – ie. self-care, sports, time for friends and family
      3. Now break the large tasks into smaller tasks – add lead-up information to your calendar
        • How do I get there?
        • What time do I need to be there?
        • What do I need to bring?
        • Have I done my pre-lab before heading to my lab?
      4. Review your calendar every evening!
        • Have it on your laptop/phone so it is easy to access wherever you are
        • Add new events as they come up
        • Hang a hard copy in your room where it is easy to review and remind you of anything you may be forgetting
      5. Stick to it!

      Additional Helpful Resources

      • Check out How to Build a Weekly Schedule and Schedule Building Tips
      • Look at the steps and tips for Study For Exams and Scheduling Time During Exams


      Last updated 08/01/2023

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