Join a Study Group

Sign-up for a Recognized Study Group today by clicking on the link below to access the Study Group Leader's email. Contact them to find out the location of the Study Group. If you click the link and it doesn't open to an email, please right click and select 'Copy Email Address'.

As a participant, you will receive CCR credit after meeting the following requirements: 

  1. Attend a minimum of four study sessions in a semester-long course OR a minimum of eight study sessions in a year-long course
  2. Attend one academic experience with your study group, such as:
    • visiting your instructor or TA's office hours as a group (online or in-person)
    • attending a relevant SSSC workshop or event as a group (online or in-person)
    • completing an online or in-person academic skills workshop at the Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS) as a group
    • attending a Research Help Desk appointment with a library staff member as a group
    • or coming up with your own group academic experience related to improving study skills - as long as you get it approved by the SSSC in advance
  3. Track your study group participation using the RSG Participant Tracking Sheet and submit this to your study group leader at the end of the term
  4. Complete an online reflection at the end of the course

Please be aware that Recognized Study Groups must follow the academic integrity rules set in class. Do not work together on anything that will be assessed for marks (such as problem sets, lab reports, or assignments). This could be perceived as cheating. Use Recognized Study Groups to review course material and complete practice problems that will not be marked. Get creative as a group - create your own quizzes and games to help each other learn!

The deadline to join a Recognized Study Group is Friday February 21st, 2025.


All times listed are in EDT/EST or Eastern Time Zone.
NEUR 1202 and 1203 have study groups run by the department and students may not register their own RSG. You may sign up for this one here.






UzairAkram [at] (CHEM1002 A - Fridays 12:00PM to 1:00PM)

hadiasuriya [at] (CHEM1002 B - Fridays 12:00PM to 1:00PM)

Computer Science

COMP 2404 C - Saturday 10:00AM to 12:00PM - FULL

Earth Science


Environmental Science


Food Science


Health Sciences

bhawanabasnet [at] (HLTH1002 - Thursdays 1:00PM to 2:00PM)


alexanderali [at] (MATH2152 A - Wednesdays 1:00PM to 3:00PM)









Technology, Society, Environment Studies


Don't see your course?  Start a study group and add it to the list!

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