Start a Recognized Study Group

Please visit Join a Study Group and contact a group leader to be a Recognized Study Group Participant.

Being a Recognized Study Group Leader is the perfect way to multitask. As an RSG Leader, you will keep yourself on a study schedule, build leadership and organizational skills, and meet people in your courses. Did I mention that you get CCR credit?

RSG Leader Information

Any student can be an RSG Leader for a first or second year Faculty of Science course they are currently enrolled in (course codes BIOC, BIOL, CHEM, COMP, ERTH, HLTH, MATH, NEUR, PHYS, STAT, or TSES). NEUR 1202 and 1203 run their own study groups by the Department and you can sign up to join here.

Leaders are not tutors - you are learning along with your peers in a group. You do not need to be a subject expert to be an RSG Leader.

The deadline to register as a RSG Leader is Friday, February 14th, 2025

RSG Leader Expectations

As an RSG Leader, you must complete the following to receive CCR credit:

  1. Host a minimum of six study sessions in a semester-long course OR a minimum of 12 study sessions in a year-long course.
  2. Record attendance for each session (an online document will be emailed to you once you register to lead an RSG)
  3. Organize one academic experience for your study group, such as:
    • visiting your instructor or TA's office hours as a group (online or in person)
    • attending a relevant SSSC workshop as a group (In person or watch the recording as a group)
    • completing an online or in-person academic skills workshop at the Centre for Student Academic Support (CSAS) as a group
    • attending a research appointment with a library staff member as a group
    • or coming up with your own group academic experience related to improving study skills - as long as you get it approved by the SSSC in advance
  4. Complete an online reflection at the end of the course

    RSG Leader Responsibilities

    There are a few basic rules RSG Leaders must follow in order to ensure the safety and success of the group:

    1. Sessions must have a minimum of three and a maximum of ten participants.
    2. Sessions must take place on campus in a public location. 
    3. Recognized Study Groups must follow the academic integrity rules set in class. Do not work together on anything that will be assessed for marks (such as problem sets, lab reports, or assignments). This could be perceived as cheating. Use Recognized Study Groups to review course material and complete practice problems that will not be marked.
    4. Recognized Study Groups are public and open to anyone currently in the applicable class and attending Carleton University. It is your responsibility as a Study Group Leader to make sure that everyone feels included and accommodated to the best of your ability. Below are some guidelines to help you make sure this is possible:
             a. All members are to be respected and welcome to your study group and this includes using respectful language and being in a safe and respectful environment.
             b. Should someone be disturbing you or the other group members, you may politely ask them to leave the Study Group.
             c. If at any point you encounter an issue, contact the SSSC and we can consult with you on how to best solve it in a way that is respectful to everyone involved.

    Make sure to visit RSG Leader Resources to find ideas and information about popular study group activities and study techniques!

    Registration to be a RSG Leader has closed for the Winter 2025 semester.