Meet our Mentors

Ishar G.

3rd Year Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Photo of Peer Mentor, Ishar G.

About Ishar G.

Hey, I'm Ishar! I'm in my third year of Computer Science in the AI and ML stream with a minor in Business. Whenever I'm free, I love to climb, play guitar, hang out with friends, and watch movies.

One piece of advice I would give to first-years is to make use of office hours. It is an excellent resource that you can use to ask your TAs or professors questions about course material. It really helps you solidify concepts you're struggling with and speeds up the learning process!

Currently, I'm an organizer for cuHacking, where I help out on the community engagement team. I'm also a student ambassador for IBM, where I advocate for mainframe technology and enterprise computing. I've volunteered at CU InSpace, the CCSS, and helped to develop an app for SunnySide, a not-for-profit organization. I would really recommend participating and joining as many activities as possible as it's been essential to my university experience by helping me make new connections and learn practical skills such as leadership and communication. It's also great to talk about in job interviews and on your resume!

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