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SSSC mentors work with students on an individual basis or in small groups to help them define and achieve their academic, career, and social goals. The average mentor in the SSSC has a CGPA of 10.6 out of 12.0 (pretty much straight As!) and has lots of involvement both on and off campus. Mentors help guide students who are at all levels of academic standing to first figure out what goals they would like to achieve, and then give them the knowledge they need to reach their goals. They maintain an excellent knowledge of the services available to support students both on and off campus and are able to connect students with the resources that best suit their needs.

Our mentors can:

  • Improve your academic performance by enhancing your goal setting, lab writing, note taking, researching, test taking, and time management skills
  • Give you tips about calculating your grades and focusing your attention on assignments worth larger portions of your marks
  • Talk to you about options and requirements for attending professional schools after graduation (such as masters, medical and dental schools)
  • Connect you to research opportunities on and off campus
  • Show you volunteer opportunities related to Science
  • Discuss ways to get involved in Science and non-Science related clubs and activities

View Meet Our Mentors to choose your mentor or stop by the SSSC to get matched up in person!

A mentor with students

Early Warning Initiative

The SSSC takes a proactive role in helping all first-year and second-year students succeed in computer science, math, and science courses. Now in its fourteenth year, SSSC Early Warning Initiative helps students struggling in first-year and second-year Faculty of Science courses at mid-terms and at the end of each term to find guidance and support.

At the mid-point of each term, we contact all first-year and second-year students who are currently receiving a 60% or less in a Faculty of Science course and offer them an opportunity to meet one-on-one with a mentor to discuss ways in which to improve their performance in the future. Topics covered in the mentoring sessions include time management, which course components to focus more time on, how to better prepare for tests and exams, and where to go on campus for additional support.

At the end of each term, we contact all first-year and second-year Faculty of Science students who have a CGPA of 60% or below. Again, students are encouraged to take advantage of the one-on-one mentoring program offered in the SSSC where they can meet individually with a trained upper-year student, who can offer advice and tips.

A student receiving mentoring

SSSC Summer Matchup

SSSC Summer Matchup pairs incoming first-year students in the Faculty of Science with an upper-year mentor in the summer before their first year of study at Carleton. The mentors contact incoming students in the summer and stay in touch with them throughout the school year to help them transition to Carleton more easily. Mentors answer questions about what it is like to be a Science student, the major differences between high school and university, where to get assistance with choosing and registering for classes, and how to get involved in activities after arriving on campus.

Learn about the Mission & the Vision of the SSSC

Learn about the various Programs and Service the SSSC offers

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