Have you been invited to apply for a DSRI (Dean's Summer Research Internship) this summer? Come to this workshop to learn all the ins and outs of the application process and have someone look over your application!
If you missed this workshop and would like to view the recording you can access it on the SSSC Online Resources Winter 2021 cuLearn page. To access this log onto culearn. Find the course SSSC Online Resources Winter 2021 under Winter 2021 courses, and select it. Then when on the course page navigate down to the section called Past Event and Workshop Recordings and select the How to Apply for a DSRI workshop. If after following these instructions you are still not able to access the workshop recording please reach out to the SSSC using the online chat feature on this page, or by email at sssc [at] carleton.ca
Note: to qualify for a DSRI you must meet the following criteria:
- 1st year standing (transfer students with 2nd year standing may also be eligible)
- Earned at least 2.0 credits
- Have a CGPA of 10.0 or higher