Join us on Monday, March 11th for Science Kindness Day.
Let's celebrate being kind to ourselves and one another. Participate in fun and inclusive community events meant to brighten your day and make new friends in the Faculty of Science!
No registration is required. Events will run while supplies last.
- BYOM: Bring Your Own Mug - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Start the day of with a sweet pick-me-up!
BYOM: Bring Your Own Mug and enjoy a hot chocolate, coffee or make a mug cake!
- Arts & Crafts - 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Get your creative mind firing! Come by 3431 Herzberg Laboratories to make some awesome arts and crafts. From beautifully decorating a mini pot for your succulents, painting your next masterpiece on canvas to making origami, the SSSC has it all!
All materials, including mini pot, canvas, paints, brushes and origami paper, will be provided to all participants at the event.
- Uplifting Sticky Notes - All Day
We are spreading some positivity on-campus with sticky notes around your favourite Science buildings. Keep an eye out! We hope these messages bring you some extra joy this Monday!