Summer Matchup

Registration for Summer Matchup is now closed. Connect with a Peer Mentor this Fall by emailing sssc [at]

Make your transition to university as smooth as possible by participating in Summer Matchup, a program that pairs incoming first-year Faculty of Science students with highly successful upper-year students in the Faculty. Your SSSC Summer Matchup mentor will keep in touch with you throughout the summer and as you start your first year at Carleton to help you make the most of your university experience.

SSSC mentors have a wealth of knowledge about Carleton University and the Faculty of Science, and they are excited to share their information with you! They can give you tips about approaching course material, organizing your time effectively, getting involved on campus, and they can also connect you to other on-campus resources. Your SSSC mentor can be your personal guide to Carleton University Faculty of Science programs. To see what others think about the SSSC, please check out our testimonials

Summer Matchup Workshop Series

In addition to being paired with an upper year mentor, Summer Matchup participants will also have the opportunity to participate in virtual workshops throughout the month of August! Each of these workshops will help incoming students navigate their university experience through building knowledge, resources and useful university connections. Each of these workshops will be virtual (Zoom) and take place Wednesdays in August from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EDT. Exact workshop dates and subjects are as follows: 

Carleton Resources and Student Portals

  • When: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 12:00pm EDT
  • What you will learn: Learn about the key campus resources and online portals that will help you complete and succeed at your degree. 

Note-taking and Time Management

  • When: Wednesday, August 14, 2024 at 12:00pm EDT
  • What you will learn: Build strong academic strategies and explore methods developing your personalized approach to note taking and time management. 

Course Work and Academic Integrity

  • When: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 12:00pm EDT
  • What you will learn:  Learn about the types of assignments and course work you will have in your first year science courses, and strategies to do well on this work. Additionally, learn about Carleton's academic integrity policies and what you need to know about plagiarism, cheating and references in university. 

How to Study in University 

  • When: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 12:00pm EDT
  • What you will learn:  University quizzes, midterms and exams can look very different from high school. In this workshop learn about what to expect in these tests and different study methods you can use to succeed. 

Attendance at these workshops is not mandatory for participation in the summer matchup program, however we encourage participants to attend to get the most out of the program. To receive access to these workshops and the summer matchup program please complete the registration form below. 


Do you have questions about the Summer Matchup program, the fall term or any other Carleton orientation program? Do not hesitate to reach out to the SSSC with any questions you may have! You can reach us via at email at sssc [at], by phone at (613) 520-2600 EXT. 3111, or any other contact method outlined on our Contact Us page. 

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