CHEM4U Registration


You can register for CHEM4U through Carleton Central once your time ticket opens, starting late June.

Course CodeCHEM 0999

CRN: ???

When you register, the $375 CHEM4U fee will automatically appear on your student account along with your tuition fees. In order to not incur late fees or interest, please pay your balance immediately.

The last day to withdraw from CHEM4U with a full refund is August 13th at noon. Please read the FAQ and only register for CHEM4U if you plan on attending all five days since registration spaces are limited. Students may register to attend CHEM4U until August 13th at noon. After this date, if you are interested in registering you will need to email sssc [at]

How to Register for CHEM4U

You can plan your schedule (worksheet) on Carleton Central before your time ticket opens to simplify the registration process. Once your time ticket opens, you can go to your worksheet, Proceed to Registration and Submit.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register for CHEM4U:

  1. Log in to Carleton Central using your MyCarleton1 username and password OR your student number and PIN.
  2. Scroll down to Registration and select Build Your Timetable/Registration.
  3. Select the Summer 2025 Term (May to August).
  4. Scroll down to “Search by CRN” and enter ???. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Search.
  5. To select this course, click the small box under Select, then scroll to the bottom of the page and Proceed to Worksheet.
  6. You should now see a course called CHEM 0999.
  7. Once your time ticket is open, you will be able to click Proceed to Registration and then Submit your choice.

Withdraw from CHEM4U

If you have registered for CHEM4U and choose to withdraw, you must do so by August 13th at noon to avoid paying the non-refundable course fee.

  1. Log in to Carleton Central.
  2. Scroll down to Registration and select Add/Drop/Search classes.
  3. Select the Summer 2025 term. Click Submit.
  4. From your list of courses, find CHEM 0999 and select Withdraw W FEE Reassessment option under the Action drop down menu. If it is past August 13th at noon, the option will show as Withdraw NO FEE Reassessment and the non-refundable course fee will be charged to your account.
  5. Submit Changes.

For any questions regarding registration for CHEM4U, please call the Science Student Success Centre at (613) 520-2600 ext. 3111.

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