Click Here to Access the Workshop
Through this workshop, you will learn the basics of using Git including commits, branching and more. Please have GIT installed before you arrive at the workshop:
- Debian-based version, run sudo apt-get install git
- Fedora, run sudo yum install git.
Part 1 of this workshop will be offered on September 30th at 4:00pm. Please register for each part of this workshop separately.
To register, please log onto Carleton Central and click on Science Student Success Centre under the mySuccess tab. The invitation link to this workshop will be provided closer to the workshop date. If you do not receive the zoom link prior to the workshop please visit the SSSC Online Resources Fall 2021 page on Brightspace and in the section "This Week's Workshops and Events" select the event you are registered in. The Zoom link for the event will be on this page.