
Finding the Right Honours Thesis Supervisor


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If you are in a 4-year honours program, you may be required to undertake an independent research project during your last year under the direction of a faculty member. The goal of the research project is to develop research and analysis skills within your area of expertise. You are responsible for selecting a supervisor to become part of his/her lab. In this workshop, you will learn what an honour thesis is, what is expected in honours thesis research, when to look for a professor, and the process of the honours thesis as a whole.

To register, please log onto Carleton Central and click on Science Student Success Centre under the mySuccess tab. The invitation link to this workshop will be provided closer to the workshop date. If you do not receive the zoom link prior to the workshop please visit the SSSC Online Resources Fall 2021 page on Brightspace and in the section "This Week's Workshops and Events" select the event you are registered in. The Zoom link for the event will be on this page.

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