
Make a Great Impression: Be Career-Ready Workshop

4:00pm to 6:30pm
4:00pm to 6:30pm
SSSC (3431 Herzberg)

This is the third part of Metacognitive Whole Brain Career Mapping series, please go to Guided Self-Reflection Playshop event in the SSSC calendar on November 15th to register.

Metacognitive Whole Brain Career Mapping: A three-part series for science students starting November 15th

Metacognition: Intentional reflection on one's thought processes and learning styles.
Whole brain: Engaging both left and right brain hemispheres in a process; using breathing and relaxation techniques to shift brainwaves and access different ways of thinking and perceiving.
Map: (noun) A symbolic depiction emphasizing relationships between elements of space or themes; (verb) To find the position of something or the positions of the parts of something.

Guided Self-Reflection Playshop
Wednesday, November 15 from 4pm-6:30pm

From There to Here: Career Mapping Workshop
Wednesday, November 22 from 4pm-6:30pm

Make a Great Impression: Be Career-Ready Workshop
Wednesday, November 29 from 4pm-6:30pm

  • Learn and discuss what employers are looking for in candidates.
  • Identify and communicate your transferable skills and competencies for resumes/CVs or interviews, and develop a personal elevator pitch for future networking opportunities.
  • Dissect a sample job description by reviewing skills/competencies and draft accomplishment statements.

Register for this event through mySuccess (Access MySuccess through Carleton360) and click on Science Student Success Centre. Spots are limited for this workshop series. Registration for the first part of this series, automatically registers you for the next two parts.

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